The average house price on GLEBE CLOSE is £660,969
The most expensive house in the street is 3 MEADOW VIEW GLEBE CLOSE with an estimated value of £920,115
The cheapest house in the street is 1 MEADOW VIEW GLEBE CLOSE with an estimated value of £422,561
The house which was most recently sold was 2 MEADOW VIEW GLEBE CLOSE, this sold on 8 Mar 2019 for £585,000
The postcodes for GLEBE CLOSE are GL2 7EL, GL2 7EF
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 GLEBE CLOSE Detached £652,684 £148,000 4 Jun 1999
4 GLEBE CLOSE Detached £574,152 £312,000 15 Sep 2005
5 GLEBE CLOSE Detached £591,879 £475,000 10 Aug 2018
19 GLEBE CLOSE Detached £534,434 £425,000 6 Apr 2018
DALVEEN GLEBE CLOSE Detached £625,353 £375,000 8 Dec 2006
1 MEADOW VIEW GLEBE CLOSE Detached £422,561 £237,500 23 Mar 2006
3 MEADOW VIEW GLEBE CLOSE Detached £920,115 £500,000 30 Sep 2005
2 MEADOW VIEW GLEBE CLOSE Detached £728,052 £585,000 8 Mar 2019
OEGROVE GLEBE CLOSE Detached £903,345 £245,000 27 Oct 2000
THE HAVEN, 21 GLEBE CLOSE Detached £657,115 £354,500 19 Jun 2009